
So the other day one of my roommates asked me if I wanted to go see the film Brooklyn with him. I haven't been to the movies a lot lately and was not sure what it was, but I said sure! Little did I know, this film would hit a lot of nerves with me (in a good way) and become one of my favorite films!


Brooklyn is an indie film directed by John Crowley that follows an Irish immigrant in the 1950s. Eilis Lacey is an Irish girl who gets the opportunity to move to New York City. She leaves behind her family to experience the American dream. In New York she starts to build a life for herself, including falling in love with Tony. Rather grim circumstances call her back to Ireland and once there she finds life is better than it ever was before. Eilis has to choose between staying in Ireland or returning to New York where her boyfriend awaits. 

The cinematography was gorgeous, the art direction beautiful, and the acting on-point, but the main thing that stuck with me was how relate-able this film is. While I watched it, I understood many of the emotions Eilis experienced. When she cried, I cried.

In my life I have recently been going through many changes. Watching Eilis go through similar things made me feel like I wasn't alone. I have moved far away from my friends and family. I have felt homesick, I have felt miserable, and I have felt alone in a place full of people. I have gone home recently and not wanted to leave. I have lost someone recently. Most importantly, I have fallen in love and so I know what it is like to be separated from that person by distance. 

I am also Irish Catholic and having been raised in an Irish Catholic family, I could relate to the family and social dynamics playing in the film. I felt as if I could be Eilis if I was alive in the 1950s. Even in a different era, someone was going through the things I am going through.

I could rave about Brooklyn all day. It was beautiful and most importantly it gave me hope. At mass last Sunday the priest was talking about how the ability to hope is part of what makes us human. I have been trying to figure out my life and find my path. If Eilis can figure out her life, than maybe I can. Brooklyn gaveme hope that everything will be ok.

I like LA alot. I'm just not sure I see myself here. As Tony says in the movie, "Home is Home."

Until next time!

Peace and Love,

Catherine :)