Heading West

It is already the middle of June! I don't know where all the time went. Pretty soon I will be heading out to LA! I am trying to figure out how and what to pack. It all has to fit in my car!! There is also so much to figure out with my car. I have to get a CA license and get my car registered in CA within a certain amount of time after moving there. It is stressing me out!

Besides trying not to get overwhelmed with moving plans, I am happy to announce that my barista job with Nordstrom will officially allow me to transfer to an LA Nordstrom. So I have a job to start with waiting for me when I arrive. Next step is to start looking for a big girl job! :) I will be working in Glendale! Look how beautiful it looks!



I am getting super excited about LA!! I can't wait for it to be warm! St. Louis has been super rainy lately. I will miss my family, friends, and cats :( Everyone will be so far away, but I am excited for the opportunities that I will hopefully find out west.  

As for my attempt to watch all the movies on the Rotten Tomatoes top 100 films list, I am still working on it. More to come soon! Thanks :)